Illuminating the Path
The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics

Executive Summary CH5

Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

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Production, Presentation, and Dissemination (Chapter 5)

Production, Presentation, and Dissemination of results are often the most-consuming part of analysis. It is the phase that technologists think of last but is the only part of the process that is visible to the consumers of analysis in emergency situations or in day-day analysis, technology could make the largest improvement in this part of the analysis process. Our goal is to bring our R&D efforts to bear so that we can greatly reduce the time it takes for analysis results to be shared with their audiences, while dramatically improving the effectiveness of this communication.

Production is the creation of materials that summarize the results of an analysis effort. Presentation is the packaging of those materials in a way that are meaningful to them. Dissemination is the process of sharing that information with the intended audience.

The production and presentation of reports requires the incorporation of design and rhetoric. Multiple homeland security audiences and the immediacy of their needs for analysis will spur the cooperation of visualization and graphic production developers as well as the development of rhetorical design capabilities within the workflow. The future holds the promise of immediate communication of well-analysis results in emerging and emergency situations in the homeland.

The panel recommends several actions to advance capabilities for production, presentation, and dissemination.


Develop methodology and tools that enable the capture of the analysis assessment, decision recommendations, and first responder actions into information packages. These packages must be tailored for each intended receiver and situation and permit expansion to show supporting evidence as needed.

No matter what the end information product, the need to describe it, link it to its sources, describe its level of certainty, and put it into the context of the intended user is a time-consuming task. Few scientific methods or tool suits support creation of the end product. This is a high-priority area for near-term investments.


Develop technologies that enable analysis to communicate what they know through the use of appropriate visual metaphor and accepted principles of reasoning and graphic representation. Create techniques that enable effective use of limited, mobile forms of technologies to support situation assessment by first responders. Support the need for effective public alerts with the production of a basic handbook for common methods for communication risks.

Emergency situations and the need for rapid, accurate communication for informed action by management, first responders, and the public bring to the forefront the need for analysis to effectively communicate what they know. Communications must facilitate teamwork that may include the public as current AMBER Alerts do. To motivate proper actions, the reasoning behind the results must be made as visible as the results themselves to decision makers.


Create visual analysis date structures, intermediate representations, and outputs that support seamless integration of tools so that date requests and acquisition, visual analysis, note-taking, presentation composition, and dissemination all take place within a cohesive environment that supports around-the-clock operation and provides robust privacy and security control.

The task of production can be accelerated and greatly enhanced in quality by a new science, methods, and tools to capture intermediate presentations of analysis, support mid-level assessments, and support note-taking, directly within the analytical reasoning processes. The framework for this must take into account security and privacy policies.














