Keep Going 10

10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times And Bad


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Plant Your Garden

Creativity has seasons.

After being a nun in Los Angeles for thirty years, Corita Kent moved across the country to Boston so she could live quietly and make her art. Her apartment had a big bay window and a maple tree out front, and she liked to sit there and observe the tree changing throughout the seasons. (Something much harder to do in Los Angeles, or here in Austin, Texas, where we have two seasons: hot and hotter.)

“That tree was the great teacher of the last two decades of her life,” her former student Mickey Myers said. “She learned from that tree. The beauty it produced in spring was only because of what it went through during the winter, and sometimes the harshest winters yielded the most glorious springs.”

Words & phrases

bay window 凸窗:在房间中凸出墙外的窗户或一系列窗户,形成一个凸出的窗台。

The living room is bright and spacious, thanks to the bay window.



  • n.(生长在加拿大等北方国家的)槭树,枫树(=maple tree);槭木,枫木

  • n.淡棕色

She was stoking the stove with sticks of maple.


harsh adj.(环境)恶劣的,艰苦的;严厉的,残酷的;刺耳的,难听的;刺眼的,耀眼的;丑陋的;刺激性强的,太强力的

The minister received some harsh criticism.


yielded: v.[力]屈服;[经]生产(yield 的过去分词);屈曲

He reluctantly yielded to their demands.


glorious: adj.光荣的,值得称道的;辉煌的,绚丽的;极其愉快的;(天气)阳光灿烂的

Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades.


A journalist came to visit her and asked what she’d been up to. “Well . . . watching that maple tree grow outside. I’ve never had time to watch a tree before,” she said.

She talked about how she moved into the apartment in October when the tree was in full leaf, and how she watched it lose its leaves for the rest of the fall. In the winter, the tree was covered in snow. In the spring, little flowers came out and the tree didn’t look like a maple tree at all. Finally, the leaves became recognizable, and the tree was itself again.

“That, in a way, is very much how I feel about my life,” she said. “Whether it will ever be recognizable by anyone else I don’t know, but I feel that great new things are happening very quietly inside me. And I know these things have a way, like the maple tree, of finally bursting out in some form.”

For Kent, the tree came to represent creativity itself. Like a tree, creative work has seasons. Part of the work is to know which season you’re in, and act accordingly. In winter, “the tree looks dead, but we know it is beginning a very deep process, out of which will come spring and summer.”

The comedian George Carlin lamented how obsessed we all are with the notion of forward, visible progress. “It’s the American view that everything has to keep climbing: productivity, profits, even comedy.” He felt we made no time for reflection. “No time to contract before another expansion. No time to grow up,” he said. “No time to learn from your mistakes. But that notion goes against nature, which is cyclical.”

Words & phrases

burst out


When they heard the joke, they burst out laughing.



Upon seeing the surprise, she burst out "Wow!"


lament / ləˈment /

  • n.挽歌,悼文;表达哀伤(或痛惜)之情的言辞;抱怨

  • v.对……感到悲痛,对……表示失望;抱怨

Yet Walmart's year-over-year online sales only grew 7 percent, leading its CEO to lament "Growth here is too slow."



  • n.合同,契约;<非正式>暗杀协议;(桥牌)定约墩数;婚约,订婚

  • v.(使)收缩,缩小;签合同,订立契约;患上,感染;订立婚约(或盟约);欠负(债)

The heart muscles contract to expel the blood.


expansion n.扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀

The company intends a slow-down in expansion.


cyclical / ˈsaɪklɪk(ə)l / adj.周期的,循环的

Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern.


You have to pay attention to the rhythms and cycles of your creative output and learn to be patient in the off-seasons. You have to give yourself time to change and observe your own patterns. “Live in each season as it passes,” wrote Henry David Thoreau, “and resign yourself to the influences of each.”

One way to get in touch with your own seasons is to follow Kent and Thoreau’s leads and observe the seasons in nature. Draw the same tree every week for a year. Take up casual astronomy. Watch the sun rise and set for a week. Observe the moon every night for a few cycles. Try to get a feel for nonmechanical time, and see if it recalibrates you and changes how you feel about your progress.

Words & phrases




  • n.(商业)淡季;(体育)赛季之间

  • adv.淡季地;停赛期间地

  • adj.淡季的

We prefer to travel off-season.


resign v.辞(职),放弃(工作或职位);(使)听任,(使)顺从(~ oneself to);(国际象棋)放弃,投子认输

The President was forced to resign.


astronomy: n.天文学

We are on the threshold of a new era in astronomy.


set for 为……而安排

A BBC Washington correspondent says the stage is now set for a confrontation with the White House.

一名 BBC 驻华盛顿记者说,现在已经为与白宫的对抗做好了准备。

nonmechanical / nɑːnməˈkænɪkəl /

  • 非碎屑的

  • 非机械破碎的

recalibrate / rɪˈkælɪbreɪt / vt.重新校准,再校准;重校准

The only positive way out of this negative feedback loop is to recalibrate the whole system.


“Imitate the trees. Learn to lose in order to recover, and remember that nothing stays the same for long.”
—May Sarton

Our lives, too, have different seasons. Some of us blossom at a young age; others don’t blossom until old age. Our culture mostly celebrates early successes, the people who bloom fast. But those people often wither as quickly as they bloom. It’s for this reason that I ignore every “35 under 35” list published. I’m not interested in annuals. I’m interested in perennials. I only want to read the “8 over 80” lists.

I don’t want to know how a thirty-year-old became rich and famous; I want to hear how an eighty-year-old spent her life in obscurity, kept making art, and lived a happy life. I want to know how Bill Cunningham jumped on his bicycle every day and rode around New York taking photos in his eighties. I want to know how Joan Rivers was able to tell jokes up until the very end. I want to know how in his nineties, Pablo Casals still got up every morning and practiced his cello.

Words & phrases




  • n.(树木的)花,花簇;开花,花期

  • v.开花;成长,繁盛,兴旺

Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom.


perennial / pəˈreniəl /

  • adj.多年生的;常年的;四季不断的;常在的;反复的

  • n.多年生植物

The perennial vegetation adjusts to the aridity by means of various avoidance mechanisms.



  • n.(树木的)花,花簇;开花,花期

  • v.开花;成长,繁盛,兴旺

The trees are in blossom.


in obscurity 在默默无闻中:指某人或某事物在公众视野中不为人所知或不被重视。

The talented artist lived in obscurity for many years before finally gaining recognition.


rode around 四处兜风:骑车或驾车在某个地方周围游荡或漫游。

We rode around the city on our bikes.


rode: v.骑(ride 的过去式)

He rode a Harley Davidson.


cello: n.大提琴

The cello is lower than the violin.


These are the people I look to for inspiration. The people who found the thing that made them feel alive and who kept themselves alive by doing it. The people who planted their seeds, tended to themselves, and grew into something lasting.


I want to be one of them. I want to make octogenarian painter David Hockney’s words my personal motto: “I’ll go on until I fall over.”

Words & phrases

octogenarian / ˌɑːktədʒəˈneriən /

  • n.八十岁到八十九岁的人

  • adj.八十岁到八十九岁的

You can maintain a clever, astute and erudite persona whether you're adolescent or octogenarian.


“There is no measuring with time, no year matters, and ten years are nothing. Being an artist means, not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force its sap and stands confident in the storms of spring without the fear that after them may come no summer. It does come. But it comes only to the patient, who are there as though eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly still and wide. I learn it daily, learn it with pain to which I am grateful: patience is everything!”
—Rainer Maria Rilke

Words & phrases


  • n.计算;清算;算账

  • v.计算;认为;指望(reckon 的现在分词)

The mechanical clock kept equal hours, and this implied a new time reckoning.


ripen v.(使)成熟;时机成熟,条件成熟

I'm waiting for the apples to ripen.



  • n.(植物的)汁,液;<非正式>傻瓜,容易上当的人;元气,活力;<史>(用以偷袭设防场所的)坑道,地道;大头短棒,棍棒

  • v.使削弱,使虚弱;<史>挖坑道;用大头短棒击,用棍棒打;(地理)(水或冰川作用)逐渐侵蚀;<古>破坏……的基础,侵蚀……的基础

The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies.


as though 好像,仿佛

He looked at me as though I were crazy.


eternity 美/ ɪˈtɜːrnəti / n.无穷无尽的时间;永恒,永久;永生;未来,来世;死

It keeps things alive from itself, so the problem with art is its eternity.


unconcernedly / ˌʌnkənˈsɜːrnɪdli / adv.不在乎地;漠不关心地

The person, who is really lonely, will stand in the rain unconcernedly, no matter how heavy the rain is.


“It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’ How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! —how consoling in the depths of affliction! ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’”
—Abraham Lincoln

Words & phrases

monarch: n.君主,女王;黑脉金斑蝶;王鹟

He had the ear of the monarch.


invent: v.发明,创造;编造,虚构

What excuse did he invent this time?


pass away 去世:指一个人或动物的生命结束,也可以表示某个事物的存在消失或结束。

'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'.



  • adj.精练的;惩罚性的;矫正性的

  • v.惩罚;遏制;使……精炼(chasten 的 ing 形式)

It was a chastening experience.



  • adj.安慰的

  • v.安慰;慰问(console 的现在分词)

She put a consoling arm around his shoulders.


affliction: n.苦难;苦恼;折磨

It was a heavy affliction to them to see the beloved prince so stricken.


This, too, shall pass.

The outer demons I mentioned in the last chapter—the men who are hell-bent on wrecking this planet, carving it up for profit like cartoon Lex Luthors—they’re not going to last forever. They are going to leave this place just like us. They might take us with them, for sure. But we’re all headed toward the same end. No matter what, this, too, shall pass, and they shall pass, too. I take comfort in that.

Words & phrases

hell-bent: adj.拼命的;固执的

He seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death.


wreck / rek /

  • v.破坏,断送(计划、关系等);(严重)破坏,毁坏(车辆或建筑物);造成(船舶)失事,使遇难;<史>毁船打劫;<美>(为获取有用的零件、碎料而)拆,拆除(破汽车、旧建筑物等);营救失事船只;失事

  • n.沉船,遇难船;遭到严重破坏的东西(尤指建筑物、车辆);健康(或精神)严重受损的人;(船舶的)失事,遇难,交通事故;杂乱的地方;<法律>(船舶失事后被冲上岸的)残货,沉船漂浮物

Physically, I was a total wreck.


carve up 分割:将某物分割成小部分。

Yet it is another kind of commercial attempt to carve up the Internet that is causing more concern.


The house I live in is more than forty years old. Not that old, really, in the scheme of things, but my kids climb trees that were alive during the Nixon administration. I’ve learned from the older neighbors I chat with on our morning walk that the wife of the couple who built our house loved to garden. My wife has taken up gardening as well: She makes bouquets out of flowers the former lady of the house planted.

Our bathroom window looks out onto our backyard garden. When nature calls, I’ll take a break from writing and I’ll look out the window at my wife digging in the dirt, showing my sons the various plants, offering them the edible ones to taste. I look out on that scene and even on desperate days I’m filled with hope.

Words & phrases

in the scheme of things 在所有事情的考虑中:表示将某事物放在更广泛的背景中考虑。

bonquet /boʊˈkeɪ/ n.花束

Never let fear keep your from reaching for life's bonquets.


backyard: n.后院;后庭

We found a man nosing around in our backyard.


nature calls 上厕所:用来表示某人感到需要排尿或排便。

Excuse me, nature calls. I'll be right back.



  • n.污物,尘土;泥土,松土;丑闻,流言蜚语

  • adj.土的,泥的

His clothes were covered in dirt.



  • adj.可食用的

  • n.食物

Also they live in open fields where there is lots of edible vegetation.


desperate adj.不顾一切的,拼命的;极需要的,渴望的;极严重的,极危险的;绝望的,无望的;绝望的,无望的

The prisoners grew increasingly desperate.


Because gardening requires so much patience and attention, gardeners have a unique sense of time and perspective.

The months leading up to World War II were some of the most terrible months in the life of Leonard and Virginia Woolf, as they “helplessly and hopelessly” watched events unfold. Leonard said one of the most horrible things was listening to Hitler’s rants on the radio—“the savage and insane ravings of a vindictive underdog who suddenly saw himself to be all-powerful.”

第二次世界大战前的几个月是伦纳德·伍尔夫和弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫一生中最可怕的几个月,他们“无助且绝望地”看着事态的发展。 伦纳德说,最可怕的事情之一就是在广播中听到希特勒的咆哮——“一个充满报复心的失败者突然发现自己是全能的,他发出的野蛮而疯狂的咆哮。”

Words & phrases


leading up to 在(某事)之前发生;导致(某事)的发生;引入(某事)

There were many warning signs leading up to the financial crisis.


unfold v.打开,展开;呈现,逐渐明朗;发生,发展

Araby is easier because it's linear, the story unfold chronologically.


rants: (rant / rænt /)



It takes a lot of nervous energy for me to listen to other people's rants.



  • adj.凶猛的,残暴的;猛烈的,恶狠狠的;极严重的,大幅度的;<旧>未开化的,野蛮的;(土地)荒凉的,无人烟的

  • n.<旧>未开化的人,野蛮人; 凶狠残暴的人;(纹章)长须半裸带叶环男人形

  • v.(动物)凶猛攻击,撕咬; 激烈抨击,猛烈批评

This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.



  • adj.胡说的;疯狂的;非常的,极端的

  • n.胡说;怒吼

  • adv.胡言乱语地

The man's a raving lunatic.


vindictive / vɪnˈdɪktɪv / adj.怀恨的;有报仇心的;惩罚的

A black frown settled down upon the hermit's face, and he clenched his bony hands with a vindictive energy.


underdog: n.比赛中不被看好者;失败者;受压迫者;斗败了的狗;黑马

Most of the crowd were cheering for the underdog to win just this one time.


all-powerful: adj.全能的

The once all-powerful dollar isn't doing a Titanic against just the pound.


One afternoon, he was planting purple irises in the orchard under an apple tree. “Suddenly I heard Virginia’s voice calling to me from the sitting room window.”

Hitler was making another speech.

But Leonard had had enough.

“I shan’t come!” he shouted back to Virginia. “I’m planting iris and they will be flowering long after he is dead.’”

He was right. In his memoir, Downhill All the Way, Leonard Woolf noted that twenty-one years after Hitler committed suicide in the bunker, a few of those purple flowers still bloomed in the orchard under the apple tree.

Words & phrases


  • n.虹,虹状物(iris 的复数);鸢尾花

  • v.使……呈彩虹色;使……呈虹状(iris 的第三人称单数)

Look at your eyes - the irises.


orchard 美/ ˈɔːrtʃərd / n.果园;果树林

I went into the orchard.


I've had enough.
我受够了; 我已经吃饱了; 我已经受够了; 我很难受

shan't 美/ ʃænt / abbr.不应该(shall not 的缩略形式)

We shan't be gone long.


memoir: / ˈmemwɑːr /n.回忆录,自传(memoirs);传略,实录;专题学术论文;(学会)讨论事项纪要,议事录(memoirs)

His 1998 memoir is a delightful trip down memory lane.


bunker 美/ ˈbʌŋkər /

  • n.沙坑;煤仓;燃料库

  • vt.使陷入困境;把球击入沙坑

He put his second shot in a bunker to the left of the green.



  • adj.模糊的;无反射的

  • v.盛开;兴旺;把钢锭等轧成坯块;使模糊(bloom 的过去分词)

The children had bloomed during their stay on the farm.


orchard: n.果园;果树林

I went into the orchard.


I don’t know for sure what kinds of flowers I’m planting with my days on this planet, but I intend to find out, and so should you.

Every day is a potential seed that we can grow into something beautiful. There’s no time for despair. “The thing to rejoice in is the fact that one had the good fortune to be born,” said the poet Mark Strand. “The odds against being born are astronomical.” None of us know how many days we’ll have, so it’d be a shame to waste the ones we get.

Words & phrases


“出生的几率是天文数字。” 我们谁也不知道我们还有多少天,所以浪费我们所拥有的日子是一种耻辱


  • n.绝望;令人绝望的人或事

  • v.绝望,丧失信心

She uttered a cry of despair.


rejoice: v.非常高兴,深感欣喜;<英>享有(用于吸引人注意奇特之处,尤指名字)(rejoice in);<古>使感到高兴,使喜悦

Should we rejoice in the death of another human being?


the odds 可能性;机会

The odds against him surviving are incredible.


astronomical: adj.天文(学)的,天体的;(数量、价格或收费)天文数字的,极其巨大的

The figures are astronomical.


“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal. I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge—even wisdom. Like art.”
—Toni Morrison


Words & phrases

precisely 美/ prɪˈsaɪsli / adv.精确地,准确地;恰好,正是(表示强调);(用于表示完全同意)的确如此;严谨地,细致地

That's precisely what I meant.


self-pity: n.自怜;自哀

He was inclined to self-pity.


heal: v.痊愈,康复;(感情创伤)愈合,(情感)恢复常态;(使)(裂痕、创伤)弥合,(使)和好;止息(争斗),调停;修复(对土地的破坏);减轻(痛苦)

That cut is taking a long time to heal.


bruised / bruːzd /

  • adj.青肿的;瘀紫的

  • v.擦伤(bruise 的过去式)

He was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt.



  • n.出血;渗色

  • adj.流血的;同情的

  • v.出血;渗出(bleed 的 ing 形式);感到疼痛

I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.


refuse to 拒绝做或接受某事

I refuse to compromise my principles.


succumb / səˈkʌm / v.屈服,屈从;病情加重,死于(某疾病)

A common defense of sport hunting is that it serves a vital wildlife-management function, without which countless animals would succumb to starvation and disease.


malevolence:/ məˈlevələns / n.恶意,怨恨;狠毒

But he did not know what malevolence was.


Whenever life gets overwhelming, go back to chapter one of this book and think about your days. Try your best to fill them in ways that get you a little closer to where you want to be. Go easy on yourself and take your time. Worry less about getting things done. Worry more about things worth doing. Worry less about being a great artist. Worry more about being a good human being who makes art. Worry less about making a mark. Worry more about leaving things better than you found them.

Words & phrases



  • adj.难以抗拒的,令人不知所措的;巨大的,压倒性的

  • v.(感情上)使受不了,使不知所措;压垮,使应接不暇;打败,击垮(overwhelm 的现在分词形式)

The sense of déjà vu was overwhelming.


go easy on someone 对人宽容,不严苛;不计较

go easy on


When dealing with children, it's important to go easy on them and not be too strict.



To maintain a healthy diet, it's advisable to go easy on sugary drinks.


Keep working. Keep playing. Keep drawing. Keep looking. Keep listening. Keep thinking. Keep dreaming. Keep singing. Keep dancing. Keep painting. Keep sculpting. Keep designing. Keep composing. Keep acting. Keep cooking. Keep searching. Keep walking. Keep exploring. Keep giving. Keep living. Keep paying attention.

Keep doing your verbs, whatever they may be.

Keep going.

“There is art left to be made in this world.”
—Anthony Bourdain(1956-2018)