Show Your Work 07

10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered

Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

Get the knowledge flowing and circulating! :)


Don't Turn into Human Spam.

Shut up and Listen.

When people realize they’re being listened to, they tell you things.
—Richard Ford

Words & phrases

evident adj.清楚的,显然的

The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.


write off


· The company decided to write off the bad debt.




· I just try to write off his rude comments as a bad day for him.


write off sb: 放弃某人

write sb off as: 认为…毫无益处



When I was in college, there was always one classmate in every creative writing workshop who claimed, “I love to write, but I don’t like to read.” It was evident right away that you could pretty much write that kid off completely. As every writer knows, if you want to be a writer, you have to be a reader first.

Words & phrases


  • adj.瘸的,跛的,残疾的;(尤指借口或论据)站不住脚的,无说服力的;差劲的,拙劣的;<美,非正式>幼稚的,无能的(尤指社交方面)

  • v.使(人或动物)跛(瘸),使残废

  • n.金银锦缎

He was aware that she was lame in one leg.


lame-o | <俚>失败者,一无是处的人;<俚>质量差的

It was a COMPLETE Disaster for Disaster movie, trudging along in seventh spot - a sure sign that people are fed up with all these lame-o spoof movies.




“The writing community is full of lame-o people who want to be published in journals even though they don’t read the magazines that they want to be published in,” says writer Dan Chaon. “These people deserve the rejections that they will undoubtedly receive, and no one should feel sorry for them when they cry about how they can’t get anyone to accept their stories.”

Words & phrases


  • n.垃圾电邮;(斯帕姆)午餐肉(Spam)

  • v.向……群发垃圾邮件

"We zap millions and millions of spam mails a day from our servers," AOL spokesman Nicholas Graham said.


profession n.(尤指需要长期训练和正规资格的)职业;(某)职业界同行,同业;(统称,指需要较高教育水平的)职业(the professions);(信念、观点或感情的)公开表示,表白;入教誓言,修道誓约;入教仪式,入教

Harper was a teacher by profession.



  • v.猛推,猛塞;刺,扎;(人)推进,挤过;上伸,伸出;强使接受

  • n.要点,要旨;猛推,刺;(飞机、火箭等的)驱动力,推力;强攻,挺进;(拱、椽的)侧向压力;(地质)冲断层,逆断层;苛评

He thrust at me with a knife.


flyers abbr.未来雅皮士,正在走向成功之路而又贪玩的少年(15~25岁)专业人士(指全日制工作的年轻人)(Fun Loving Youth En Route to Success)

You've seen the flyers and posters around campus, I assume.


thrust flyers at you: 把传单塞给你

sidewalk: <美>人行道


  • v.(因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫;(向某人或为某事)高声喊,大声叫;发出尖锐的响声;呼啸而过;(使)醒目,(使)触目惊心(=scream out);呼吁,抗议;清晰地表明;颜色不相配

  • n.(因疼痛、惊恐、兴奋等发出的)尖叫声;(动物的)高声尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音;<非正式,旧>极其滑稽可笑的人(或事物、场面)

A piercing scream split the air.


scream at: 尖叫着责骂:高声尖叫着对某人或某事进行责骂或抱怨。

The angry customer started to scream at the poor waiter.


delusions: / dɪˈlʊʒən / n.[内科]妄想;错觉(delusion 的复数形式)

She has some cockeyed delusions about becoming a pop star.


get the memo 得到通知:了解或被告知某事,通常用于表示某人未收到关于某事的信息或未理解某种情况。

Did you not get the memo? We're supposed to wear casual clothes today.




I call these people human spam. They’re everywhere, and they exist in every profession. They don’t want to pay their dues(不想做任何贡献,什么都不想干), they want their piece right here, right now. They don’t want to listen to your ideas; they want to tell you theirs They don’t want to go to shows, but they thrust flyers at you on the sidewalk and scream at you to come to theirs. You should feel pity for these people and their delusions. At some point, they didn’t get the memo that the world owes none of us anything.

Words & phrases


Of course, you don’t have to be a nobody to be human spam—I’ve watched plenty of interesting, successful people slowly turn into it. The world becomes all about them and their work. They can’t find the time to be interested in anything other than themselves.

Words & phrases

forward-thinking 有远见的

Forward-thinking or self-absorbed?


collaborators n.[劳经]合作者;投敌者(collaborator 的复数)

Collaborators never work alone unless they are forced to.


co-conspirators n.共谋者,同谋者:参与共同密谋或阴谋的人。

· The police arrested the co-conspirators in the robbery.


in a vaccum 在真空中:指在没有外部影响或与外界隔绝的情况下。



No matter how famous they get, the forward-thinking artists of today aren’t just looking for fans or passive consumers of their work, they’re looking for potential collaborators, or co-conspirators. These artists acknowledge that good work isn’t created in a vacuum, and that the experience of art is always a two-way street, incomplete without feedback. These artists hang out online and answer questions. They ask for reading recommendations. They chat with fans about the stuff they love.

Words & phrases

hang out


· Let's go to the park and hang out this afternoon.



· We used to hang out at his house every weekend.



· He likes to hang out at the local coffee shop.


erupt v.喷发;爆发,突然发生;(感情)迸发;(斑疹等)突然冒出;长牙

The volcano could erupt at any time.


cosmic adj.宇宙的,外层空间的;巨大的,极重要的;精神的,神灵的

NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.


hit it off 一拍即合,合得来

We hit it off straight away.


brand-new adj.崭新的,未用过的;最近获得的

Yesterday he went off to buy himself a brand-new car.




The music producer Adrian Younge was hanging out on Twitter one day and tweeted, “Who is better: The Dramatics or The Delfonics?” As his followers erupted in a debate over the two soul groups, one follower mentioned that the lead singer of The Delfonics, William Hart, was a friend of his dad’s and that Hart just happened to be a fan of Younge’s music. The follower suggested that the two should collaborate. “To make a long story short,” Younge says, “a day later, I’m on the phone with William Hart and we’re speaking for like two hours . . . we hit it off in a way that was just cosmic.” Younge then produced a brand-new record with Hart, Adrian Younge Presents The Delfonics.

That story is great for two reasons. One, it’s the only story of an album I know of whose existence can be traced to a single tweet. Two, it shows what happens when a musician interacts with his fans on the level of a fan himself.

Words & phrases

connector n.连接器,连接头

Start the connector process.


thoughtful adj.体贴入微的,考虑周到的;沉思的,思考的;缜密思考过的,深思熟虑的

He scratched his head and looked thoughtful.


considerate adj.体贴的,考虑周到的;<旧>小心的,谨慎的

It was very considerate of him to wait.



这个句子很好呀!We hit it off in a way that was just cosmic. (我们一见如故,简直是天作之合) 当音乐家和粉丝进行沟通之后,效果是多么大!一个很真实的例子!很棒!

If you want fans, you have to be a fan first. If you want to be accepted by a community, you have to first be a good citizen of that community. If you’re only pointing to your own stuff online, you’re doing it wrong. You have to be a connector. The writer Blake Butler calls this being an open node. If you want to get, you have to give. If you want to be noticed, you have to notice. Shut up and listen once in a while. Be thoughtful. Be considerate. Don’t turn into human spam. Be an open node.

Words & phrases

令我感受最深的话:If you want fans, you have to be a fan first. 如果你想获取,你必须先给予。突然想起来电左的一期播客说:创造价值,传递价值,收获价值!赞! 做一个打开的节点(Open node 开放节点,开型节点),连接网络。

You Want Hearts, Not Eyeballs.

“What you want is to follow and be followed by human beings who care about issues you care about. This thing we make together. This thing is about hearts and minds, not eyeballs.”
—Jeffrey Zeldman

Stop worrying about how many people follow you online and start worrying about the quality of people who follow you. Don’t waste your time reading articles about how to get more followers. Don’t waste time following people online just because you think it’ll get you somewhere. Don’t talk to people you don’t want to talk to, and don’t talk about stuff you don’t want to talk about.

Words & phrases


  • n.[解剖]眼球(eyeball 的复数)

  • v.注视;仔细打量(eyeball 的第三人称单数形式)

His eyeballs were an unhealthy yellow.


attentive adj.注意的,专心的;贴心的

The hotel staff are friendly and attentive.


continual adj.多次重复的,频繁的;持续的,不间断的

Life was a continual struggle for them.



不要在乎关注你的人的数量;要多注意关注你的人的质量。 不要!不要!不要!say no to valueless. 那些你不想talk with的人,你不想talk with的事儿~

If you want followers, be someone worth following. Donald Barthelme supposedly said to one of his students, “Have you tried making yourself a more interesting person?” This seems like a really mean thing to say, unless you think of the word interesting the way writer Lawrence Weschler does: For him, to be “interest-ing” is to be curious and attentive, and to practice “the continual projection of interest.” To put it more simply: If you want to be interesting, you have to be interested.

Words & phrases

outgrowth n.结果;副产物;自然的发展;分枝;生长晕

Her first book is an outgrowth of an art project she began in 2003.




· The poet wrote laments for the dead soldiers.



· She laments the loss of her friend.


earns v

  1. 赚得,挣得:通过努力工作或提供服务获得金钱或报酬。

· She earns a good salary.


  1. 获得,赢得:通过努力或表现获得某种成果、荣誉或认可。

· He earns the respect of his colleagues.



  • n.破布;敲打;影响力;势力

  • vt.给……打补钉;猛击

I knew his opinion carried a lot of clout with them.



如果你想要追随者,那你要有值得追随的东西。要有你自己感兴趣的东西,并且不断投入。 这个句式真不错:think of the word interesting the way writer Lawrence Weschler does

It is actually true that life is all about “who you know.” But who you know is largely dependent on who you are and what you do, and the people you know can’t do anything for you if you’re not doing good work. “Connections don’t mean shit,” says record producer Steve Albini. “I’ve never had any connections that weren’t a natural outgrowth of doing things I was doing anyway.” Albini laments how many people waste time and energy trying to make connections instead of getting good at what they do, when “being good at things is the only thing that earns you clout or connections.


这段太好了,我直接翻译后半段了。“我从来没有任何关系不是我做事情的自然 "结果"。”阿尔比尼哀叹,有多少人浪费时间和精力去建立人脉,而不是把自己的工作做好,而“擅长某件事是唯一能让你赢得影响力或人脉的事情。” 咱就说:做好自己的工作,人脉自然来了!

Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that kind of stuff. It’s that simple.

Words & phrases

creepy adj.<非正式>怪异的,令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的

It's kind of creepy but kind of cool at the same time that they just can do it well.



  • n.急拉,急推;<美,非正式>傻瓜,坏蛋;肌肉抽搐;(举重)挺举;腌制后放在木火上烤的肉;颠簸,震摇

  • v.急拉,猛推;(举重)挺举过头;制肉干;(用调料浸泡及用木柴火烤)烹饪(猪肉,鸡肉)

  • adj.腌泡过的

I'm such a jerk.


saddest adj.悲伤的(sad 的最高级)



Don’t be creepy. Don’t be a jerk. Don’t waste people’s time. Don’t ask too much. And don’t ever ever ask people to follow you. “Follow me back?” is the saddest question on the Internet.


不要令人毛骨悚然。不要成为一个混蛋。不要浪费别人的时间。 so, 我要把关注那句给删了!

The Vampire Test

Words & phrases

vampire n.(故事中的)吸血鬼;(喻)无情掠夺者,吸血鬼;吸血蝙蝠;(戏剧)(舞台的)活板门

What about the vampire bats?



  • n.排水沟(drain 的复数);吸血

  • v.放出,排出(drain 的第三人称单数)

The drains are bunged up with dead leaves.


“Whatever excites you, go do it. Whatever drains you, stop doing it.”
—Derek Sivers

Words & phrases

notorious adj.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

His short temper had become notorious.


squeezed: 挤压 | 塞进 | 压榨 | 设法腾出

He squeezed her arm reassuringly.


tubes n.[材]管子,导管;管状虫;伦敦地铁(tube 的复数)

More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth.



  • adj.筋疲力尽的;耗尽的,枯竭的

  • v.使精疲力尽;耗尽;详尽讨论(exhaust 的过去式和过去分词形式)

She felt limp and exhausted.


suck out of 吸干:从一个人、物品或地方中移除所有有用、有价值的品质或财产。

The noise was deafening. Papers, clothing, everything was being sucked out of the windows.


There’s a funny story in John Richardson’s biography, A Life of Picasso. Pablo Picasso was notorious for sucking all the energy out of the people he met. His granddaughter Marina claimed that he squeezed people like one of his tubes of oil paints. You’d have a great time hanging out all day with Picasso, and then you’d go home nervous and exhausted, and Picasso would go back to his studio and paint all night, using the energy he’d sucked out of you.

Words & phrases

put up with 忍受、容忍或接受某事物或某人的存在、行为或不愉快的情况

· I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore.


sculptor n.雕刻家,雕塑家

He felt very strange and asked the sculptor, "Why are you making two same sculptures?"


hailed from:(车、船)来自;(人)出生于

His father hailed from Italy.



tubes of oil paints. 油画颜料需要挤压出来。就像他挤压你一样!

Most people put up with this because they got to hang out with Picasso all day, but not Constantin Brancusi, the Romanian-born sculptor. Brancusi hailed from the Carpathian Mountains, and he knew a vampire when he saw one. He was not going to have his energy or the fruits of his energy juiced by Picasso, so he refused to have anything to do with him.

Words & phrases

worn out



· I need to buy new shoes, these ones are worn out.



depleted 耗竭区:指资源已经大量消耗或减少的区域,通常用于描述矿产资源、石油或天然气等资源的开采区。

· The oil field has become a depleted zone after years of exploitation.


Brancusi practiced what I call The Vampire Test. It’s a simple way to know who you should let in and out of your life. If, after hanging out with someone you feel worn out and depleted, that person is a vampire. If, after hanging out with someone you still feel full of energy, that person is not a vampire. Of course, The Vampire Test works on many things in our lives, not just people—you can apply it to jobs, hobbies, places, etc.

Words & phrases


  • adj.熏制的,风干的

  • v.治愈(人或动物);治好(疾病);解决(问题);矫正(不良行为);加工处理(薰、腌鱼、肉等);(通过硫化等化学方法)使(橡胶等)硬化(cure 的过去式和过去分词)

A speech therapist cured his stammer.


banish v.驱逐,赶走;将……驱逐出境,流放;清除,消除;打消……的念头,驱除(想法)

They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land.



The Vampire Test的原理和操作方法。 你要知道,谁可以进入你的生活,谁不行! 同样适用于:什么可以进入你的生活,什么不行!

Vampires cannot be cured. Should you find yourself in the presence of a vampire, be like Brancusi, and banish it from your life forever.



“Part of the act of creating is in discovering your own kind. They are everywhere. But don’t look for them in the wrong places.”
—Henry Miller



Identify Your Fellow Knuckleballers.

Words & phrases


  • n.小伙子,家伙;同伴,同事,同学;研究员;男朋友;(研究期间领取津贴的)研究生;<英>(大学的)董事;(学术或专业团体)会员;对等者,对手

  • adj.同类的,同伴的

He was a young fellow, very green, very immature.


knuckleballers n.指节变化球投球手

be fascinated by 被……迷住:对某事物或某人感到极度的兴趣和吸引,无法自拔。

You'd be fascinated by what there is on display.


pitcher n.投手;大水罐

The baseball pitcher had a brief affair with her.



  • n.<英>体育场地,球场;(感情或活动的)激烈,强烈;(音符的)高低度,音高;推销用语;(棒球中的)投,掷;沥青,柏油;<英>摊位,(街头艺人的)表演场所;(船或飞机的)颠簸;(尤指屋顶的)倾斜度;(登山)(尤指很陡的)坡段;(鹰扑向猎物前向上攀飞的)高度;(高尔夫)下旋高球(pitch shot);(板球)弹跳点(pitch of the ball);<英>露营地;(技)螺距,节距;印刷密度,打印密度

  • v.投,掷,扔;(棒球中)投(球);触地,(使球)定点落地;(使)跌倒(猛然移动);(船、飞机)上下颠簸;把……定于某水平;使(产品)针对,面向;推销,争取支持(或生意等);定音高;向下倾斜; 支,搭(帐篷);击出大曲线球,击高球;(板球)固定球门(准备比赛);(球)弹起;用石头铺(路);迫使……进入(新的境地);(酿酒用语)给(麦芽汁)加酵母;<西印度,古>盖上沥青,涂上沥青

knuckleball n.指关节球,蝴蝶球(投手投出的不旋转球)

Shifting an Internet friendship into the real world can be trickier than hitting a knuckleball.



  • v.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;(头感到)眩晕;纺纱,纺织;飞驰,疾驰;编故事;有倾向性地陈述;(用甩干机或洗衣机)甩干(衣服);(昆虫)吐(丝),结(网);(用旋式诱饵)钓鱼;播放(唱片);抛(硬币);(球)旋转;(用车床将金属薄板)旋压成形

  • n.高速旋转;兜风;带倾向性的解释(或说法);(政治上的)倾向性报道;(尤指板球、网球、斯诺克球中的)旋转球;(飞机的)旋冲,螺旋下降;晕头转向,焦虑不安;(物理)核素总角动量

Let's go for a spin.


thrown v.抛(throw 的过去分词);扔掉

Fate had thrown them together.



  • v.接连猛打;殴打,毒打;肆虐,严重破坏;抨击,责难;给……裹面糊;(墙等的)向后倾斜

  • n.面糊(煎料),面团;击球员;(墙等的)向后倾斜;(活字或铅版的)字面磨损处

Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes.


catcher n.捕手,捕捉者;接球手

A fog catcher can collect 10,000 liters of water a day.


huh int.嗯(用于问题、建议之后);嗯(表示没有听清楚);啊,哈(表示轻蔑、疑问或惊异等)

Let's get out of here, huh?


I recently became fascinated by the baseball pitcher R. A. Dickey. Dickey’s pitch is the knuckleball—a slow, awkward pitch that’s really hard to throw with any kind of consistency. When a pitcher throws a knuckleball, he releases the baseball with as little spin as possible. The air current moves against the baseball’s seams, and it makes the baseball move really strangely. Once a good knuckleball is thrown, it’s equally unpredictable to the batter, the catcher, and the pitcher who threw it. (Sounds a lot like the creative process, huh?)

Words & phrases

duckling n.小鸭子

Ducklings are little ducks.


brotherhood n.兄弟关系;手足情谊;四海之内皆兄弟的信念

They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood.


memoir: / ˈmemwɑːr / n.回忆录,自传(memoirs);传略,实录;专题学术论文;(学会)讨论事项纪要,议事录(memoirs)

His 1998 memoir is a delightful trip down memory lane.


split finger fastball: 叉指快速球

state secrets: 国家机密

She gave away state secrets to the enemy.



  • n.命运,机遇(fortune 复数形式)

  • v.给……以大宗财富(fortune 的第三人称单数形式)

Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation?



有好的东西就要分享啊!你看这种state secrets的knuckleball的方法都被分享了!这是一个mission!传递下去!

Knuckleball pitchers are basically the ugly ducklings of baseball. Because there are so few of them, they actually form a kind of brotherhood, and they often get together and share tips with one another. Dickey writes about how rare this is in his memoir, Wherever I Wind Up: “There’s no chance that an opposing pitcher, no matter how nice a guy, is going to invite me to watch how he grips and throws his split-fingered fastball or slider. Those are state secrets.” With his fellow knuckleballers, however, things are different: “Knuckleballers don’t keep secrets. It’s as if we have a greater mission beyond our own fortunes. And that mission is to pass it on, to keep the pitch alive.”

Words & phrases

obsessions n.癖好;着迷;使人痴迷的的人或物;强迫意念(obsession 的复数)

But as I re-read Watson's advice, I think about my goals and obsessions.


Sing praises: 歌颂

Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant.


universe n.宇宙,天地万物(the universe);领域,体系;(已知宇宙以外的)宇宙

The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets.


As you put yourself and your work out there, you will run into your fellow knuckleballers. These are your real peers—the people who share your obsessions, the people who share a similar mission to your own, the people with whom you share a mutual respect. There will only be a handful or so of them, but they’re so, so important. Do what you can to nurture your relationships with these people. Sing their praises to the universe. Invite them to collaborate. Show them work before you show anybody else. Call them on the phone and share your secrets. Keep them as close as you can.

Words & phrases

vitality n.活力,热情;生机,生命力

An artificial language has no vitality.



分享 → 找到peers → nurture relationships → 邀请一起合作 → 保持紧密联系!

“It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others.”
—Susan Sontag

Meet up in meatspace.

Words & phrases

meatspace: 实体世界;物质世界

So it is in fact the case that more things are illegal online than are illegal in meatspace.



  • n.替代品;替补(substitute 的复数)

  • v.用……代替;由……接替(substitute 的第三人称单数形式)

Unfortunately, the current low prices for oil, gas, and coal may provide little incentive for research to find even cheaper substitutes for those fuels.


“You and I will be around a lot longer than Twitter, and nothing `substitutes` face to face.”
—Rob Delaney

Words & phrases


  • n.怪人,怪胎;<非正式>狂热爱好者;畸形人(或物);怪异的事;<古>主意突变

  • v.<非正式>(使)吃惊,不安,恼怒

  • adj.反常的,怪异的

She was treated like a freak because she didn't want children.


freak out: 使处于极度兴奋中;崩溃

Don't freak out when someone invades your personal space.


freak sb. out: 使某人变得极度情绪化或惊恐

Snakes really freak me out.




It freaks me out a little bit how many of my very favorite people in the world came into my life as ones and zeros.

Words & phrases


  • n.润滑油;(比喻有利于事情顺利进行的)润滑剂

  • adj.(用作)润滑的,减少摩擦的

I think humour is a great lubricant for life.


I love meeting my online friends “IRL.” (IRL = in real life.) There’s never any small talk—we know all about one another and what one another does. We can just sip beer or some other social lubricant and talk about big ideas. There’s been a few times that I’ve asked people what they think the best thing about being online is, and they’ll point around the table and say, “What we’re doing here.”

Words & phrases

meetups n.(非正式的)聚会,见面会(meetup的复数)

To provide Funny Exchange Functional Meetups for members to share, so that they can learn the experience that cannot get from outside.



线下约见比网络要好太多。这句话可真好! We can just sip beer or some other social lubricant and talk about big ideas. 我们可以啜饮啤酒或其他社交润滑剂,谈论一些伟大的想法。

I love the phenomenon of “meetups”—an online community throwing a party at a bar or a restaurant and inviting everybody to show up at a certain place and time. There’s a lot of these kinds of events in Austin, and I’m sure there’s a bunch in your town, too. (If there aren’t any—set one up!) They’re a lot less stressful than traditional forms of networking because you already know a lot of the people who show up, and you’ve seen their work.

Words & phrases

grab a coffee 去喝咖啡:通常指快速地去喝一杯咖啡,可以是在路上或者是在咖啡店里。

· Let's grab a coffee before the meeting starts.


get sick of browsing: 厌倦:对某事或某人感到厌烦,不再喜欢或感兴趣。

Did he get sick of the sound of crying?



  • v.随意翻阅;(动物)吃草;(在商店里)随便看看;浏览信息

  • n.随意的看,浏览;(动物吃的)植物

We only model for browse, select, purchase, and pay.



  • v.攫取,抓住;(尤指匆忙地)取,吃,喝;霸占,强夺;利用,抓住(机会);引人注意,吸引

  • n.攫取,赚取;抓具,抓斗;抓取(或截获、采集)的图像

He shot out his hand to grab her.




Of course, a meetup doesn’t have to comprise a huge group of people. If you’ve been friends for a while with somebody online and you live in the same town, ask them if they want to grab a coffee. If you want to go all out, offer to buy them lunch. If you’re traveling, let your online friends know you’re going to be in town. I like asking my artist friends to take me to their favorite art museums and asking my writer friends to take me to their favorite bookstore. If we get sick of talking to one another, we can browse, and if we get sick of browsing, we can grab a coffee in the café.

Words & phrases

awesome adj.让人惊叹的,令人敬畏的;非常棒的,极佳的

I just bought this awesome new CD!




Meeting people online is awesome, but turning them into IRL friends is even better.

Meeting online > Turn into friends IRL. But both are awesome.